Syntaxshow (allVirtualDisks | virtualDisk [virtualDiskName]|virtualDisks [virtualDiskName1... virtualDiskNameN] reservationsParametersParameter DescriptionallVirtualDisks Returns reservation information about all virtualdisks in the storage array.virtualDisk or virtualDisks Name of the specific virtual disk for which you areretrieving reservation information. You can entermore than one virtual disk name. You must putbrackets ([ ]) around the virtual disk name. If thevirtual disk name has special characters, you mustalso put quotation marks (" ") around the virtualdisk name.Start Configuration Database DiagnosticDescriptionThis command starts a diagnostic test to validate the configuration database in the controller firmware.Syntaxstart storageArray configDbDiagnosticParametersNone.NotesUpon completion of the diagnostic test, the controller firmware returns one of these results:• Diagnosis completed without errors. No ZIP file created.• Diagnosis completed with errors. Refer to the ZIP file created at:...\Install_dir\data\FirmwareUpgradeReports\timestamp_buildNo.zipIf the diagnostic test detects an inconsistency in the configuration database, the controller firmwareperforms these actions:• Returns a description of the inconsistency.• Saves a ZIP file containing raw binary data.The controller firmware saves the ZIP file to this location:...\Install_dir\data\FirmwareUpgradeReports\timestamp_buildNo.zipThe binary data can be used to help determine the cause of the problem, or the file containing the binarydata can be sent to a Customer and Technical Support representative.354