Parameter Descriptionthe remote replication group name in doublequotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.file The file path and the file name to which you wantto save the synchronization statistics. Enclose thefile name in double quotation marks (" "). Forexample: file="C:\Program Files\CLI\logs\iscsistat.csv"This command does not automatically append afile extension to the saved file. You can use any filename, but you must use the .csv extension.virtualDisk This parameter is optional. The name of thespecific member virtual disk in the remotereplication group for which you are retrievingsynchronization statistics. If no virtual disk isspecified, the statistics for every member virtualdisk in the remote replication group are saved.If statistics are collected for more than one virtualdisk in a remote replication group, all the data willbe written to the same file.Enclose the virtual disk name in double quotationmarks (" ").sampleType This parameter is optional. The default value forsampleType is all.• all—Data for all three sample types arecollected and written to the same file.• mostRecent—Statistics are recorded for themost recent 50 resynchronization samples.• longestSyncTime—Statistics are collected forthe most recent 20 longest resynchronizationsamples.• errors—Statistics are recorded for the mostrecent 20 failed resynchronization samples.These samples include a failure code.recordLimit This parameter is optional. The default value forrecord limit is no limit. The recordLimit mustbe greater than 0 and less than or equal to 90.NotesStatistics are captured for replicated virtual disks in the Primary role. The statistics collected include thefollowing data:• Synchronization start time• Synchronization type (manual or periodic)• Synchronization duration• Number of bytes sent• Maximum write time (for a single write)258