Parameter DescriptionNOTE: The previous command syntax is for ahost running Windows. The actual syntaxvaries depending on your operating system.autoSupportConfig The parameter to return information about thecurrent state of the operation to automaticallycollect support data. The information thisparameter returns is:• Whether the operation is enabled or disabled• The location of the folder where the supportdata file is locatedbatteryAge Displays the status, the age of the battery in days,and the number of days until the battery needs tobe replaced.connections Displays a list of the drive channel port locationsand the drive channel connections.defaultHostType Displays the default host type and host type index.healthStatus Displays the health, logical properties, and physicalcomponent properties of the storage array.hostTypeTable Displays a table of all host types known to the RAIDcontroller module. Each row in the table displays ahost type index and the platform the indexrepresents.hotSpareCoverage Displays information about which virtual disks ofthe storage array have hot spare coverage andwhich virtual disks do not.features Displays a list of the feature identifiers for allenabled features in the storage array.time Displays the current time to which both RAIDcontroller modules in the storage array are set.virtualDiskDistribution Displays the current RAID controller module ownerfor each virtual disk in the storage array.summary Returns a concise list of information about thestorage array configuration.longRunningOperations Shows the long running operations for each diskgroup and each virtual disk in the storage array.The longRunningOperation parameter returnsthis information:• Name of the disk group or virtual disk• Long running operation• Status• % complete343