Parameter Descriptionidentifier values are 0 and 1. The identifier value is0 for the RAID controller module on the top and 1for the RAID controller module on the bottomwhen viewed from the rear of the enclosure.testDevices The identifiers of the devices (RAID controllermodules, EMMs, or physical disks) that you want totest. You can specify all or enter the specificidentifiers for the devices that you want todiagnose.dataPattern The method of repeatability that you want to test.patternNumber The hexadecimal data pattern you want to use torun the test.This number can be any hexadecimal numberbetween 0000 to FFFF.maxErrorCount The number of errors that you want to acceptbefore terminating the test.testIterations The number of times that you want to repeat thetest.timeout The length of time in minutes that you want to runthe test.NOTE: Use the save physicalDiskChannel faultDiagnostics command and the stopphysicalDiskChannel faultDiagnostics command in association with the startphysicalDiskChannel faultDiagnostics command. These commands are needed to savethe diagnostic test results to a file and to stop the diagnostic test.NOTE: You can stop this command at any time by pressing .Start Physical Disk InitializeDescriptionThis command starts physical disk initialization.CAUTION: As soon as you enter this command, all user data is erased.Syntaxstart physicalDisk [enclosureID,slotID] initializeParametersParameter DescriptionphysicalDisk Identifies the enclosure and slot where the physicaldisk resides. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99. Slot361