NOTE: If you also use the scheduleInterval option, the firmware chooses between thetimesPerDay option and the scheduleInterval option by selecting the lowest value of the twooptions. The firmware calculates an integer value for the scheduleInterval option by dividing1440 by the scheduleInterval option value that you set. For example, 1440/180 = 8. Thefirmware then compares the timesPerDay integer value with the calculated scheduleIntervalinteger value and uses the smaller value.NOTE: To remove a schedule, use the delete virtualDisk command with the scheduleparameter. The delete virtualDisk command with the schedule parameter deletes only theschedule, not the snapshot virtual disk.Set Snapshot Virtual Disk Media ScanDescriptionThis command runs a media scan on the physical disks used for a snapshot virtual disk. You also canperform a consistency check on the data.Syntaxset snapVirtualDisk ["snapVirtualDiskName"]mediaScanEnabled=(TRUE | FALSE)[consistencyCheckEnabled=(TRUE | FALSE)]ParametersParameter DescriptionsnapVirtualDisk The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) ofthe snapshot virtual disk for which you are settingproperties. Enclose the snapshot virtual diskidentifier in double quotation marks (" ") inside ofsquare brackets ([ ]).mediaScanEnabled The setting to turn on or turn off media scan forthe snapshot virtual disk. To turn on media scan,set this parameter to TRUE. To turn off media scan,set this parameter to FALSE. (If media scan isdisabled at the storage array level, this parameterhas no effect.)consistencyCheckEnabled The setting to turn on or turn off consistencychecking during a media scan. To turn onconsistency checking, set this parameter to TRUE.To turn off consistency checking, set thisparameter to FALSE.300