Parameter DescriptionsnapImageID The snapImageID parameter accepts only theOLDEST option. This parameter deletes the earliestsnapshot image created.NotesYou can delete the oldest snapshot image from a snapshot group repository virtual disk. The definition ofa snapshot image that you delete is removed from the system. The space occupied by the snapshotimage that you delete from the snapshot group repository virtual disk is released and made available forreuse within the snapshot group.Any snapshot virtual disks that exist for a snapshot image transition to the Stopped state when thesnapshot image is deleted.This command will not run when the controller is in Lockdown mode.Delete Snapshot (Legacy) Virtual DiskDescriptionThis command deletes one or more snapshot (legacy) virtual disks or snapshot (legacy) repository virtualdisks. You can also use this command to remove schedules for creating snapshots (legacy).CAUTION: Possible damage to the storage array configuration – All of the data in the virtual diskis lost as soon as you run this command.Syntaxdelete (virtualDisk [virtualDiskName] |virtualDisks [virtualDiskName1 ... virtualDiskNameN])[schedule]ParametersParameter DescriptionvirtualDisk or virtualDisks The name of the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk thatyou want to delete. You can enter more than onesnapshot (legacy) virtual disk name. Enclose thesnapshot (legacy) virtual disk name in squarebrackets ([ ]). If the snapshot (legacy) virtual diskname has special characters, you also mustenclose the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk name indouble quotation marks (" ").schedule This parameter deletes the schedule for a specificsnapshot (legacy) virtual disk. Only the schedule isdeleted, the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk remains.207