-Page 12 AD 33-855-4The Trip Unit includes a female type receptacleprovided to accept a Rating Plug, which, in con-ced with the Current Sensors, determines theContinuous Current Rating (ln) of the Breaker orthe Long Delay (lr) Setting of the Breaker. Adjust-able current protective settings are provided forthe Long Time (L), Shod Time (S), lnstantaneous(l), and Ground Fault (G) Trip Functions selected.Short Time (S) and Ground Fault (G) Delays areequipped with an adjustable setting for a flat or anl2t response. The adjustable settings are step-type,expressed in terms of Continuous Current Rating(ln) the maximum of the Breaker or the Long DelaySetting (lr) of the Breaker. LEDs provide Mode ofTrip lndications for the L, S, l, and G trip functions.Digitrip RMS Trip Units are equipped with multi-pindisconnect plug receptacles which permit quickconnections to the Auxiliary CT Harness and, whensupplied, the External Harness.The Power Relay Module (ATR) is provided inDigitrip RMS Trip Unit Kits 61 0 through 91 0 only.The ATR provides hard contact closures for remoteindication of the following Trip Unit functions:. High Load (HL) AlarmThe HL contact closes when the currentpassing through the Breaker exceeds 85%of the Trip Unit Long Delay Pickup Settingcontinuously for more than 40 seconds.. Long Delay (LD) Trip. Short Circuit (SC) Trip. cround Fault (GF) Tripo PowerNet Remote Close (CC1 and CC2)Contact (RMS 810 & 910 Trip Units only)All ATR contacts are rated 1 ampere at 120 VAC or1 ampere at 28 VDC. These contacts are generallyused for illuminating indicator.lights or picking upslave relays local to or remote from the Breaker /Switchgear. A bridge rectifier circuit in the ATRserves to power up the Trip Unit, the Trip UnitAlphanumeric Display, and the INCOM Communi-cations, when a 120 VAC source is supplied to ATRterminals AC120 and ACCOM.Digitrip RMS Trip Units are equipped with a recep-tacle, located on the front of the Trip Unit, toreceive the Auxiliary Power Module (APM). TheAPM is used to supply power to the Trip Unit self-test system during Circuit Breaker testing. Adjust-able test settings are provided which enable theunit to be tested with or without tripping theBreaker.Figures 3-2 though 3-4a & 3-4b provide the pub-lished Digitrip RMS Characteristics Curves forRetrofit Breakers. Also provided are the availableTrip Unit settings for all trip functions. Thesecurves are available on onion paper as Applica-tions Data 32-870.F:T.il Efiective 9/01