Cutler-Hammer AD 33-855-4Page 1lnstructions lor the Applicati0n olDigitrip RMS 510, 610, 810, &910 Retrolit Kits on Power CircuitBreakersDescriptionSection 1 General lnformation andSafety Precautions............................................... 51.1 Safety Precautions ................................... 51.2 lntroduction .................... 61 .3 Warranty Disclaimer and LiabilityLimitation.......... .............. 6Section 2 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kits, RatingPlugs, and Accessories..........................,....,.,.,,.. 72.1 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kits.........................72.2 Retrofit Kit lnstallation Requirements ......72.3 The Retrofit Process ................................ 82.4 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kit Accessories ......8Section 3 The Digitrip RMS Trip System ........ 113.1 Digitrip RMS Overcurrent Protection ..... 113.2 Current Sensors and Sensor WiringHarness ...................-.... 113.3 Auxiliary CT Module and Auxiliary CTHarness ........................ 113.4 Digitrip RMS Trip Unit and PowerRelay Module (ATR) ................................ 1 13.5 Long Time Memory Function .................173.6 Discriminator (High lnitial CunentRelease) ............ ............173.7 Digitrip RMS Dlrect Trip Actuator (DTA)and Auxiliary Switch Kit(See Figure 3-6). . . . . ............................ 183.8 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Rating Plug and8a11ery.............. ............ 193.9 External Harness .......-............................ 203.10 Potential Transformer (PT) Module ........ 20CONTENTS3.1 1 Cell Harness Assembly .......................... 203.12 Breaker Mounted Control PowerTransformer (CPl .... .. .......................... 20Section 4 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic RetrofitKits Without zone lnterlocks)..........................214.1 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit KitSelection and Content .....,..................... 214.2 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit KitFeatures ....................... 21Section 5 Digitrip RMS 510 Retrofit Kits(With Zone lnterlocks) .............235.1 Digitrip RMS 510 Retrofit Kit (WithZone lnterlocks) Selection andContent ........................ 235.2 Digikip RMS 510 Retrofit Kit(\tVith Zone lnterlocks) Features ............. 23Section 6 Digitrip RMS 61O Retrofit Kits.........256.1 Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit Selectionand Content .................256.2 Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit Features ... 25Section 7 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910Retrofit Kits................... ............277.1 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 Fletrofit KitSelection and Content ........................... 277 .2 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 Retrofit KitFeatures .......................277.3 Power Flow Convention ......................... 297.4 PowerNetCommunicationsWiringCheckout .......... ............ 30Etfective 9/01