AD 33-855-4 Page 338.4 Explanation of Test Procedures1. Defeat (Short Out) Zone lnterlocks. Ground Fault time and Shoft Delay timewill be at the minimum values duringtesting, if not defeated.. Use ZSI Shorting Plug or the Test CellHarness Assembly.o Already included on 510 Basic Retrofit Kits.2. Defeat Unpowered Thermal Memory (LTM). LTM automatically reduces the time to tripthe Breaker, if not defeated.. Remove rating plug from the Trip Unit.Jumper is located at the back of the RatingPlug cavity.. Move jumper to the right for horizontal TripUnits. Move jumper to the bottom positionfor vertical and standard Trip Units.. lnsed the Rating Plug back into the TripUnit.3. Defeat Ground Fault Trip Function(Primary lnjection Testing Only). Will trip the Breaker on Ground Fault whentesting the Long Delay trip function, if notdefeated.o Move the green wire from the "G" terminalto the "N" terminal (on the Auxiliary CTModule) before testing Long Delay, ShodDelay, or lnstantaneous (phase testing).. Green wire must be returned to "G"terminal after phase testing.. Required for all Trip Units equipped withGround Fault protection.4, Use Auxilary Power. Provide power to the Trip Unit for Primarylnjection, Self , and Secondary lnjectionTesting.. Use the Auxiliary Power Module and plug itinto the front of the Trip Unit, or use TestCell Harness Assembly and plug it intoExternal Harness.5. Reset Trip Unit(Resetting Powered Thermal Memory). lf not reset, the LED will remain lit andreduce the Rating Plug's battery life for 510Trip Units.. lf not reset, the Breaker will be held in theTrip Free condition and the LED will remainlit for 61 0 to 91 0 Trip Units.lst Reset Method- With Auxiliary Power "On", press TripUnit's Reset button.- Turn Auxiliary Power "Off" for 10seconds.- Turn Auxiliary Power "On".2nd Reset Method- With Auxiliary Power "On", set the TestAmps to 1.- Press and release the Trip Unit's Testpush button.- Quickly press and release the Trip Unit'sReset button before Trip Unit operates.Reset Trip Settings. See the appropriate table to apply theproper Trip Unit settings.7. Abod TestAvoid overheating all the componentsduring Primary lnjection testing.Avoid overheating of the Aux. CT moduleand Trip Unit during Secondary lnjectiontesting.Speeds up the testing process for aSelf Test.Manually stop the test per the appropriatetable, if the Breaker does not trip(see "Stop Test After" column).8. Confirm Breaker StatusConfirm the Breaker position indicatorreads "OPEN" and the spring chargedindicator reads "DlSCHARGED".After the tests are completed, change tothe customer's Trip Unit settings.Etfective 9/01