AD 33-855-4Page 428.7 Testing Digitrip with the DS BreakerSecondary lnjection Test KitDigitrip RMS Trip Units can be tested over a panialrange using AMPTECTOR & DIGITRIP TEST SETand an Optional Test Kit Adapter Harness. Theavailable Adapter Harnesses are listed infable 2-2and are described as follows.1. Adapter Method 1 - lnsert the test kit bananaplug into the receptacle end of the AdapterHarness (#6503C53G01), then attach thelabeled spade terminals to the Aux. CT ModuleTerminal Block Terminals "A" through "On".This Adapter Harness must be manuallyconnected to the Breaker for the test andremoved afterwards (see Figure 8-2A).2. Adapter Method 2 - lnsert the test kit bananaplug into the receptacle end of the AdapterHarness (#6503C54G01) then insed theAdapter Harness's 12-pin male plug into theBreaker Mounted Harness (#6503C55G01 )(see Figure 8-28).NOTE: The Breaker Mounted Test Plug isan optional accessory, sold as a kit forpermanent mounting on each Breaker.It includes a 12-pin female plug with aset of seven (7) labeled spade typeterminals which connect to the Aux. CTModule terminals "A" through "On".3. Adapter Method 3 - lnsed the test kit bananaplug into the receptacle end of the DS Adapter(#8779C02G03) then insert the DS Adapter's9-pin male plug into the Second AdapterHarness (#6503C54G02). lnsert the 12-pinmale plug of the Harness (#6503C54G02) intothe Breaker Mounted Harness (#6503C55G01)(see Figure 8-2C).NOTE: The DS Breaker Secondary lnjection TestKit produces a maximum of 30 to 35amperes when connected to the Test KitAdapter Harness. The Test Kit outputs arelimited to 6-to-7 times the Rating Plug lnRating. This restricts the test range forShort Delay and Instantaneous Testing, butstill provides for testing the Long DelayPickup and Long Delay Time Trip Func-tions. An external power source to the TripUnit is required for Secondary lnjectionTesting. Use either the Auxiliary PowerModule (APM) or the 120 VAC inputthrough the Breaker External Harness(RMS 610, 810, & 910 only) as discussedabove. Additional information for testingDigitrip RMS with the test kit is listed in the"References" section of this document.Fig. 8-2 Adapter Methods(A) ADAPTER METHOD 1AUXILIARY5503C53G01 MODIJLE:-{-e12 PIN(B) ADAPTEB METHOD 2[,ll;k r H111% ffi ::5';.L'@l- 3 i ill'331L--l 12 PtN t2 PIN(C) ADAPTER METHOD 3 AUXILIARYCT MODIILEFfr-'fl 'nff 'Iffi tilillffi ffi T'?"::-@LI I 12 PrN 9 PIN 12 Eiiective 9/01