AD 33-855-4 Page 21SECTION 4 DIGITRIP RMS 510 BASICRETROFIT KITS (WITHOUTzoNE INTERLOCKS)4.1 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit KitSelection and GontentThe Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit Kit seriesprovides basic Overcurrent Protection only. TheRetrofit Kits are available with the applicableDigitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit Overcurrent Trip Func-tions, (i.e.: Long Time (L); Short Time (S); lnstanta-neous (l); and Ground Fault Time (G) Delays). Thecombinations available are Ll, LS, LSl, LlG, LSG'LSIG.The complete Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit Kit ismounted on the Breaker. Therefore, no SwitchgearCell modifications or wiring are required. Zonelnterlocking signals from the Trip Unit are not wiredout from the Breaker. The External Harness (Figure12-7) consists of a small jumper plug that shortsout the Zone lnterlock signals at the Trip Unit.Refer to Figure 4-1 for the Retrofit Kit wiring con-nections on the Breaker.NOTE: Figure 4-1 applies to Retrofit Kits otherthan SPB and DS Retrofit Kits. Refer to theDS or SPB lLs or kit manual for specificwiring.4.2 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit KitFeaturesThe Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit has the followingfeatures available for customer use, when appliedin the Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit Kit:1. Basic (L, S, I, G) Overcurrent Protection, asselected;2. frue RMS Sensing;3. lntegral Trip Unit Testing;4. Unit Status lndicator;5. Local Mode of Trip lndicators; and6. Selectable l2t on Short Time and Ground FaultTime Delays when those options are selected.The Trip Unit also includes provisions to accept therequired Rating Plug. The Rating Plug is equippedwith a battery to power the local mode of tripindicators.Etfective 9/01