AD 33-855-4 Page 398.6 Digitrip RMS Self-Testing SystemI wnnrurncUSE OF THE DIGITRIP RMS SELF-TESTSYSTEM, WHILE THE BREAKER IS IN THE"CONNECTED" POSITION IN THESWITCHGEAR CELL COMPARTMENT, IS NOTRECOMMENDED. THE TRIPPING ACTION OFTHE CIRCUIT BREAKER WILL CAUSE DISRUP.TION OF SERVICE CAUSED BY UNNECESSARYSWITCHING OF CONNECTED EQUIPMENT.TESTING SHOULD ONLY BE PERFORMEDWHEN THE BREAKER IS LEVERED TO THE"TEST", "DISCONNECTED", OR'REMOVED"POSITIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITHTHESE RECOMMENDATIONS COULD RESULTIN INJURY DEATH, AND / OR EQUIPMENTDAMAGE.All Digitrip RMS 1O-Series and 10O-Series TripUnits are equipped with self-testing capability asstandard.The "Test Amps" settings are 1, 2,3, 6T, 8, 10,GFT, and GE each multiplied by the ln rating.The Breaker will only trip when the (6T and GFI-)settings are used.The test is started by pushing and then releasingthe Test push button. The Trip Unit will test itselfbased on the Test and Time Overcurrent settingsselected, lighting the appropriate "Mode of Trip"LED.lf all of the tests from Table 8-2 yield correctresults, the Trip Unit is functioning properly. lf anydifflculties are encountered during testing, pleasecall Cutler-Hammer at 1-800-937-5487.A.8.6.1 Self-TestingProceduresPrior to Self-Testing:. Defeat Zone lnterlocks;. Defeat Unpowered Thermal Memory; and. Use Auxiliary Power.During Self-Testing:. Reset the Trip Unit;. Reset the Trip Settings (see Table 8-2);o Close the Breaker;. Conduct the test (see Table 8-2);. Abort the Test (see Table 8-2); and. Record the Test Results.- Compare actual results with theexpected test results in Table 8-2.- 61 0, 810, & 91 0 Trip Units will displaythe elapsed time of the test and thendisplay the cause of Trip Code.- Press the Step button to view the testcurrent magnitude after each test.- Permanently record the results to verifycalibration of the Trip System.After Self-Testing:. Reset the Trip Unit; and. Confirm the Breaker Status.c.Effective 9/01