AD 33-855-4Page 489.2 Information Available to OperatorWhile Breaker ls in ServiceTable 9-1 lists the available information providedby Digitrip RMS Trip Units while the Breaker is inservice.Table 9-1Data available local to, or remote from, theDigitrip RMS Trip Unit during operation.RMS510RMSotuBMS810RMS910Unit Status Green LED flashes to indicate normaloperation of Trip Unit.X X X XLong Delay Red LED flashes when Breaker is inLong Delay Pickup and timing out to trip.X X X XHigh Load Red LED lights when current level stayswithin 85% of Long Delay Pickup for 40 seconds.X X XATR High Load contact closes for remote indicationwhen current level stays within 85% of Long DelayPickup for 40 seconds.X X XAlphanumeric Digital Display, showing:LDPU (Flashing) when Breaker in Long Delay Pickup;lndividual Phase Cunents (reading in amps x 1000);Ground Current (reading in amps x 1000);Peak Demand (Mega Watts);Present Demand (Mega Watts);Energy (Mega Watt Hours).XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDepress STEP push-button to view selected field. X X XDepress RESET push-button to reset peak demand. X XCommunications Data Available for remoteuse at master PC, including:Trip Unit PowerNet Address (set at Trip Unit);Breaker Status (open or closed);Reason for Status (normal, LDPU alarm, or other);Breaker Rating Plug lnstalled;High Load lndication;lndividual Phase Current levels (amps);Ground Current levels (amPs);Peak Demand (Mega Watts);Present Demand (Mega Watts);Energy (Mega Watt Hours);Power Factor;Power Quality (Harmonics);Voltage.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXElT.t Efiective 9/01