AD 33-855-4 Page 310-8 Typical ATR 120 VAC Source lnputand Dry Contact Alarm OutputConnections for RemoteAlarm lndication .............5810-9 Typical Control Schematic WithoutCC1 / CC2 Modification ........................... 59'10-10 Typical Control Schematic WithoutCC1 / CC2 Modification ........................... 5910-11 CC1 / CC2 Modification to aTypical Control Schematic(Stored Energy) ..............5910-12 CC1 / CC2 Modification to aTypical Control Schematic (Solenoid) ...... 5912-1 Without Ground 30 3-Wire(Lr, LS, LSr) ....... ..............6412-2 Wilh Ground, Without NeutralConnection 3@ 3-Wve(LrG, LSG, LSrG)....................................... 64'12-3 With Ground and With NeutralSensor 30 4-Wire (LlG, LSG, LSIG).........6512-4 With Ground, With External GroundSource 30 3-Wire or 4-Wire (LlG,LSG, LSGD .....................651 2-5 Auxiliary CT Harness................................ 66'1 2-6 Auxiliary CT Module Wiring ...................... 6612-7 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic ExternalHarness .......................... 6712-8 Digitrip RMS 510 External Harness .........6712-9 Digitrip RMS 610 External Harness ........'6712-1 0 Digitrip RMS 810 & 91 0 ExternalHarness with CPT Adapter Harness ........ 6812-11 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 ExternalHarness .......................... 6812-12 Digitrip RMS 510 Cell Harness ................6912-13 Digitrip RMS 610 Cell Harness ................6912-14 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 Cell Harness ...... 7012-15 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 SimplifiedCell Harness..... ..............7112-16 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 PT Module.........711 4-1 Time-Current Curves........ ................,....... 76Tables2-1 Digitrip Rating Plugs (50 and 60 Hz)and Their Coordination with SensorConnections ....................... 92-2 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kit Accessories .......' 108-1 Primary lnjection Testing Settingsand Expected Test Results ................-....... 368-2 Self-Testing of the Digitrip TripUnit Settings and Expected TestResu|ts............. ................408-3 DS Breaker Secondary lnjectionTesting Settings and ExPectedTest Results...... ..-.............449-1 lnformation Available to OperatorWhile Breaker is in Service......................... 489-2 lnformation Available in the Eventof a Trip ...........................491 2-1 Power Flow Conventions ........................... 63Fffeciive g/01