AD 33-855-4 Page 25SECTION 6 DIGITRIP RMS 610 RETROFITKITS6.1 Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit Selectionand GontentThe Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit series providesOvercurrent protection, Zone lnterlock capability,and a local Alphanumeric Display. The Retrofit Kitsare available with the applicable Digitrip RMS 610Trip Unit Overcurrent Trip Functions, (i.e.: LongTime (L), Shod Time (S), lnstantaneous (l), &Ground Fault Time (G) Delays). The combinationsavailable are Ll, LS, LSl, LlG, LSG, LSIG.ln addition to Zone lnterlocks, the RMS 610 TripUnits include the Power Relay Module (ATR) whichprovides contact closures for remote indicationand alarm. Zone lnterlocking and remote alarmsignals are extracted from the Trip Unit by theExternal Harness. The External Harness includes a20-pin plug, which connects to the Cell HarnessAssembly.A 120 VAC control power source is required topower up the Power Relay Module (ATR) remotesignals, the local mode of trip indicators, and thetrip Unit Alphanumeric Digital Display. Figures 6-1 ,12-9, and 12-13 provide the Retrofit Kit wiringconnections on the Breaker and in the SwitchgearCell. All Retrofit Kit components are mounted onthe Breake[ except the Cell Harness Assembly'which is mounted in the Switchgear Cell.The 120 VAC control power can be suppliedexternally via wiring in the Cell or it can be sup-plied via the Breaker Mounted Control PowerTiansformer (CPT) (optional with the Retrofit Kit).6.2 Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit FeaturesThe Digitrip RMS 610 Trip Unit has the followingfeatures available for customer use, when appliedin the Digitrip RMS 610 Retrofit Kit:1 . Basic (L,S,l,G) Overcurrent Protection, asselected;2. Trve RMS Sensing;3. lntegral Trip Unit Testing;4. Unit Status lndicator;5. Local Mode of TriP lndicators;6. Selectable l2t on Short Time and Ground FaultTime Delays when those options are selected;7 . Local Four Digit Alphanumeric Display;8.* Zone lnterlock capabilities of the BreakerShort Time and Ground Fault Delay Functions,when those options are selected;9.- Remote Relay Contacts for high load andmode of trip indication; and10. For powered 61 0, 810, & 91 0 Trip Units: Oncean overcurrent has occurred, the Trip Unitsends an electrical signal to the Direct TripActuator (DTA) which will be monitored untilthe Trip Unit is reset, keeping the Breaker in atrip free condition.The Trip Unit also includes provisions to accept therequired Rating Plug. The Rating Plug is equippedwith a battery to light the local mode of trip indica-tors if the 120 VAC control power is lost." The Zone lnterlock and ATR relay contacts are available on610 Kits with normal External Harness. A popular option is tospecify the Breaker l\y'ounted CPT with a simplified ExternalFiarness in which case no Cell Harness is used. This optionomits the Zone lnterlock and remote relay connections, butdoes maintain the Alphanumeric Display and trouble shootingcapability of the Digitrip RMS 610 Kit.Fffective g/01