Page 6 AD 33-855-41.2 IntroductionThis Application Data is provided as a guide, forauthorized and qualified personnel only, in theselection and application of Digitrip RMS RetrofitKits on Power Circuit Breakers.The information, recommendations, descriptions,and safety notations in this document are basedon Cutler-Hammer's experience and judgementwith respect to retrofitting Power Circuit Breakers.All possible contingencies which may arise duringinstallation, operation, or maintenance, and alldetails and variations of this equipment do notpurport to be covered by this document. lf furtherinformation is desired by the purchaser regarding aparticular installation, operation, or maintenance ofhis particular equipment, contact your local Cutler-Hammer representative or phone 1-800-937-5487.1.3 Warranty Disclaimer and LiabilityLimitationThe instructions for installation, testing,maintenance, or repair herein are provided for theuse of the product in general commercialapplications and may not be appropriate for use innuclear applications. Additional instructions maybe available upon specific request to replace,amend, or supplement these instructions to qualifythem for use with the product in safety relatedapplications in a nuclear facility.The information, recommendations, descriptions,and safety notations in this document are basedon Cutler-Hammer's experience and judgementwith respect to retrofitting of Power CircuitBreakers. This information should not beconsidered to be all inclusive or covering allcontingencies. lf furlher information is required,Cutler-Hammer should be consulted.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ORMERCHANTABILIry OR WARRANTIESARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING ORUSAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDINGTHE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS,AND DESCRIPTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. lnno event will Cutler-Hammer be responsible to theuser in contract, in tort (including negligence), strictliability or otherwise, for any special, indirect,incidental, or consequential damage or losswhatsoever, including but not limited to damage toor loss of use of equipment, plant or powersystem, cost of capital, loss of profits or revenues,cost of replacement power, additional expenses inthe use of existing power facilities, or claimsagainst the user by its customers resulting fromthe use of the information, recommendations, anddescriptions contained Etfective 9/01