AD 33-855-4 Page 47SECTION 9 OPERATIONI wnnr.rrr.rcREFER TO SECTION 1 ENTITLED "GENERALINFORMATION AND SAFEW PRECAUTIONS"AND REVIEW ALL THE DIRECTIONS SETFORTH IN THAT SECTION, PRIOR TO START-ING ANY TESTING PROCEDURE. FAILURE TOFOLLOW THE SAFE PRACTICES RECOM-MENDED IN SECTION 1 COULD RESULT INPERSONAL INJURY DEATH AND/OR EQUIP-MENT DAMAGE. OPERATION OF THIS EQUIP.MENT SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT BYPERSONNEL FAMILIAR WITH WORKING ONPOWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS ANDSWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLIES.The information presented for the operation ofDigitrip RMS Retrofitted Power Circuit Breakersand Switchgear supplements the content of theoriginal equipment instruction manuals. Further,the information described supplements anyestablished procedures in practice at thecustomer Iocation.I wanr'rrr.rcBREAKER AND SWITCHGEAR CELL RETROFITINSTALLATIONS MUST BE CHECKED ANDTESTED PRIOR TO PLACING THE EQUIPMENTIN OPEBATION. SECTION 8 PROVIDES INFOR-MATION ON RECOMMENDED TESTING ANDCHECKOUT PROCEDURES. FAILURE TO FOL-LOW SUCH PROCEDURES COULD RESULT INPERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, AND / OR EQUIP-MENT DAMAGE.9.1 Breaker Insertion in Switchgear Gelland Power UpI wanr.rrrucPRIOR TO INSERTING THE BREAKER INTOTHE CELL, BE SURE THE BREAKER IS IN THEOPEN POSITION AND THE TRIP UNIT ADJUST-ABLE SETTINGS ARE CORRECT. ADDITION-ALLY BE SURE THE TRIP UNII BREAKER ANDSWTCHGEAR CELL ALL MATCH FOR THEIRINTENDED APPLICATION. FAILURE TO DO SOCOULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURYDEATH, AND / OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.NOTE: lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter toinstall the Retrofitted Breaker in the Cell toinsure proper Breaker / Cell fit and correctBreaker operation.Rack the Breaker to the CONNECT position in theSwitchgear Cell. RMS 510 Basic Retrofitted Break-ers include no External Harness and are ready to'be closed. For RMS 510 Zone, 610, 810, & 910Retrofitted Breakers, plug the External Harnessinto the Cell Harness Assembly and then close theBreaker. The External Harness connects the Exter-nal Trip Unit Signals. For RMS 610, 810, & 910Retrofitted Breakers, the Trip Unit "Green" StatusLED will begin to blink when the plug is connected,indicating the Trip Unit is operational and the 120VAC external source is on. For RMS 610, 810, &910 Retrofitted Breakers with an optional BreakerMounted Control Power Transformer (CPT), the120 VAC external source is derived from the Lineside of the Breaker. For RMS 510 Basic and RMS510 Zone Retrofitted Breakers, the Trip Unit"Green" Status LED will begin to blink when theBreaker is closed and Primary Current of at Ieast25o/o of Ihe Sensor Tap selected begins to flowNOTE: Digitrip RMS Overcurrent Protection ismaintained, even when the Breaker Exter-nal Harness Plug is not plugged into theCell Harness Plug. The Digitrip RMSOvercurrent Trip System is internallypowered by the primary phase currentspassing through the Current Sensors.Effective 9/01