Page 2 AD 33-855-4Section 8 Testing Retrofitted Breakers........... 318.1 Dielectric and Meggar Testing ............... 318.2 Trip System Testing - General Notes.....318.3 Recommended TestAccessories ..........328.4 Explanation of Test Procedures .............338.5 Primary lnjection Testing ........................ 358.5..1 Primary lnjection Test Procedures... 358.6 Digitrip RMS Self-Testing System .......... 398.6.1 Self-Testing Procedures.................. 398.7 Testing Digitrip with the DS BreakerSecondary lnjection Test Kit .................. 428.7.1 Secondary lnjection Testing ............ 438.7.2 Secondary lniection TestProcedu res ...................................... 438.8 Circuit Breaker Checkout and BenchTest ................... ............ 46Section 9 Operation .... ............479.1 Breaker lnsertion in Switchgear Celland Power Up ........................................ 479.2 lnformation Available to Operator WhileBreaker ls in Service .............................. 489.3 lnformation Available in the Event ofa Trip................. ............499.4 Resetting The Trip Unit After a Trip........509.5 Removing the Breaker From theCONNECT Position ................................ 50Section 10 Digitrip RMS Retrofit SwitchgearAssembly Applications ..............,....................... 511O.1 Zone lnterlocking ......... Zone Selective lnterlocking ............. 5.110.2 Setting Digitrip RMS CommunicationsAddress (Digitrip RMS 810 & 910Kits Only) ...................".. 5410.3 ldentification of Trip Unit, Breaker, andSwitchgear Cell ............5710.4 The Power Relay Module (ATR) .............571 0.5 Communications and PowerNet .........,..57Section 11 Maintenance, Warranty, andService lnformation ,.....,.,..,.,,,.611 1.1 Preventative Maintenance Program .......611 1 .2 Breaker Maintenance ............................. 611 1 .3 Warranty Procedure ............................... 6111.4 Digitrip RMS Trip Unit Warranty ............. 61Section 12 Detailed Wiring of Harnesses andRelated Components... ............ A3'1 2.1 Sensor Harness Wiring .......................... 6312.2 Auxiliary CT Harness Wiring.....-............. 6312.3 Auxiliary CT Module Wirin9 .................... 63Section 13 References ...........73Section 14 Explanation of Time CurrentCurves ............. -.....,.,.........,.,..,.. 7514.1 Explanation of the Time CurrentCurves (LSl) ...... ............75Figures3-1 Digitrip Retrofit System -........................... 1 33-2 Digivip RMS Long Time / ShofiTime-Current Curves (LS) ...............,........ 1 43-3 Digitrip RMS lnstantaneousTime-Current Curve (l).............................. 1 53-4a Digitrip RMS Ground Fault ProtectionTime-Current Curve (G) ............................ 1 63-4b Digitrip RMS Ground Fault ProtectionTime-Current Curve (G) .......... ..........,....... 173-5 Disabling the Long Time Memory(LTM) Function.. .............. 183-6 Digitrip RMS Direct Trip Actuator (DTA) ... 194-1 Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Wirin'.................225-1 Digitrip RMS 510 Wiring ........ ...................246-1 Digitrip RMS610Wirin9...........................267-1 Digitrip RMS 810 & 910 Wiring ................ 287 -2 Power Flow Conventions ......................... 298-1 Pick-up Test and Time Test... ......,............328-2 Adapter Methods .-.........421 0-1 Zone Selective lnterlocking ...................... 511O-2 Connection Schematics for MultipleCircuit Breakers ..............5210-3 Connection Schematics for MultipleCircuit Breakers ..............5310-4 Digitrip Trip Unit Display Panel ........-....-.. 5510-5 Terminating Resistor Location ................. 5610-6 Terminating Resistor Location ................. 561 0-7 Terminating Resistor Location ................. Etfective 9/01