AD 33-855-4 Page 5SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATIONAND SAFEW PRECAUTIONS1.1 Safety PrecautionsThe warnings included as part of the proceduralsteps in this manual are for personnel safety andprotection of the equipment from damage. Anexample of a typical warning is shown here tofamiliarize personnel with the style of presentation.ln addition, the following warning appliesthroughout this manual. lt should be read andunderstood before proceeding.I wnnr.rrrucPOWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS ARE EOUIPPEDWITH HIGH SPEED, HIGH ENERGY OPERATINGMECHANISMS. THE BREAKERS AND THEIRENCLOSURES ARE DESIGNED WITH SEVERALBUILT-IN INTERLOCKS AND SAFETY FEA-TURES INTENDED TO PROVIDE SAFE ANDPROPER OPERATING SEQUENCES. TO PRO-VIDE MAXIMUM PROTECTION FOR PERSON.NEL ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION,OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF THESEBREAKERS, THE FOLLOWING PRACTICESMUST BE FOLLOWED. FAILURE TO FOLLOWTHESE PRACTICES MAY RESULT IN DEATH,PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.. Only qualified persons, as defined in theNational Electric Code, who are familiar withthe installation and maintenance of PowerCircuit Breakers and their associatedswitchgear assemblies should pedorm anywork associated with these Breakers.. Completely read and understand allinstructions before attempting any installation,operation, maintenance, or modification ofthese Breakers.. Always turn off and lock out the power sourcefeeding the Breaker prior to attempting anyinstallation, maintenance, or modification of theBreaker. Do not use the Circuit Breaker as thesole means for isolating a high voltage circuit.Follow all lockout and tagging rules of theNational Electric Code and all other applicablecodes, regulations, and work rules.Do not work on a closed Breaker or a Breakerwith the closing springs charged. Trip (open)the Breaker and be sure the stored energysprings are discharged before pedorming anywork. The Breaker may trip (open) or thecharging springs may discharge. causingcrushing or cutting injuries.For drawout Breakers, trip (open) and thenremove the Breaker to a well-lit work areabefore beginning work.Do not perform any maintenance: includingBreaker charging. closing, tripping, or anyother function which could cause significantmovement of the Breaker while it is on theextension rails. Doing so may cause theBreaker to slip from the rails and fall, potentiallycausing severe personal injury to those in thevicinity.Do not leave the breaker in an intermediateposition in the Switchgear Cell. Alwaysleave it in the connected,disconnected, or (optional) test position.Failure to do so could lead to improperpositioning of the breaker and flashover,causing death, serious personalinjury and / or property damage.Do not defeat any safety interlock. Suchinterlocks are intended to protect personneland equipment from damage due toflashover and exposed contacts. Defeatingan interlock could lead to death, severepersonal injury and / or property damage.Etlectve 9/01