AD 33-855-4 Page 193.8 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Rating Plug andBatteryThe Digitrip RMS Rating Plug fits into the DigitripRMS Trip Unit and determines the Breaker Con-tinuous Current Rating, ln. The Rating Plug mustbe matched to the installed Current Sensor ratio.The Rating Plug can be used in 50 Hz or 60 Hzapplications. Each Rating Plug has fixed S1 (8) and52 (10) values, which correspond to the Trip Unit'shighest two Short Delay Settings. Each RatingPlug also has fixed Ml (8) and M2 (12) values,which correspond to the Trip Unit's highest twolnstantaneous Settings.Each Rating Plug is equipped with a long life, 3.0Volt lithium type back-up battery. This back-upbattery is not required for the basic Digitrip RMSOvercurrent Protective Functions. lt is used tomaintain the Trip Unit mode of trip indication LEDS,following a Breaker tripping operation, when no120 VAC control power source (through the ATR) tothe Trip Unit is applied. A new battery will maintainthe mode of trip LED for approximately 60 hourswhen no 120 VAC source is applied to the TripUnit. The battery is replaced from the front, withouthaving to remove the Rating Plug from the TripUnit. Replacement battery types are listed underthe Accessories, Section 2, of this ApplicationGuide.SPB Rating Plugs are matched to the BreakerFrames which are suitable. The Rating Plug At-tachment is accomplished by use of a specificRating Plug screw size and length.lf a Rating Plug is removed when the Breaker is inthe closed position, the Breaker may trip. There-fore, the Rating Plug must be securely plugged inand the Trip Cover put back on the Trip Unit toassure that the Rating Plug stays in place"Fig. 3-6 Digitrip RMS Direct Trip Actuator (DTA)Etiective g/01