AD 33-855-4 Paqe 7SECTION 2 DIGITRIP RMS RETROFITKITS, RATING PLUGS, ANDACCESSORIES2.1 Digitrip RMS Retrofit KitsCutler-Hammer Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kits areavailable for many Breakers produced by majormanufacturers of Power Circuit Breakers. TheDigitrip RMS Retrofit Kits are structured accordingto the Digitrip RMS Trip Unit and the specificOvercurrent Protective features provided.The product line begins with the Digitrip RMS 510Basic Retrofit Kit series. True RMS sensing, basicOvercurrent Protection, and self-testing featuresare standard. The Overcurrent Protection providedis determined by the selected Long Time (L), ShonTime (S), lnstantaneous (l), and Ground Fault (G)Trip Functions.The balance of the Retrofit Kits listed, Digitrip RMS510, 610, 810, & 910 series, add increasing levelsof features to those of the RMS 510 Basic RetrofitKits and to each other. The features include Zonelnterlocking, Digital Alphanumeric Displays, Re-mote Alarm Signals, PowerNet Communications,Energy Monitoring Capability, and HarmonicDistortion lnformation.Additional information on the features and contentof each Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kit is provided inSections 4 through 7 of this Application Guide.2.2 Retrofit Kit lnstallation RequirementsDigitrip RMS Retrofit Kits can be applied to manytypes of Power Circuit Breakers, provided theBreakers are used on 50 or 60 Hz AC distributionsystems. Retrofits for fixed mounted or non-drawnout Breakers should be referred to Cutler-Hammer for evaluation.I wnnr'rrr.rcTHE DESIGN AND CONTENT OF THE RETRO-FIT KIT IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDI-TIONS, WHICH MUST BE ADDRESSED BYTHE RETROFIT KIT PURCHASER, PRIOR TOINSTALLATION. FAILURE TO ADDFESS THESECONDITIONS COULD RESULT IN FAILURE OFTHE EQUIPMENT TO OPERATE PROPERLY,PERMANENT EQUIPMENT DAMAGE, AND INSOME INSTANCES, PERSONAL INJURY OBDEATH.1, The Breaker must be in good mechanicaland electrical operating condition. Breakersthat are not in good operating condition mustbe repaired, reconditioned, or refurbished priorto being retrofitted. Refer to Section 11 forgeneral guidelines on Breaker preventativemaintenance.2. Rating Plug selection. One Rating Plug isnormally provided, which does not exceed theBreaker's maximum continuous current framerating. lf an alternate Rating Plug is requiredfor the Breaker being retrofitted, it can beordered separately or as part of the kit. Table2-1 provides a complete listing of all RatingPlugs. Rating Plugs must coordinate with theBreaker Sensor Tap being used. Together theydetermine the Breaker Continuous CurrentRating (ln). Refer to Catalog 26-000 and theDigitrip Retrofit Kit Product Guide for RetrofitKit ordering information.Etlective 9/01