AD 33-855-4 Page 23SECTION 5 DIGITRIP RMS 510RETROFIT KITS WITHZONE INTERLOCKS)5.1 Digitrip RMS 510 Retrofit Kit WithZone lnterlocks) Selection andContentThe Digitrip RMS 510 Retrofit Kit series providesbasic Overcurrent Protection plus Zone lnterlockcapability. The Retrofit Kits are available with theapplicable Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit OvercurrentTrip Functions, (i.e.: Long Time (L), Shoft Time (S),lnstantaneous (l), and Ground Fault Time (G)Delays). The combinations available are Ll, LS, LSI'LIG, LSG, LSIG.Zone lnterlock signals are extracted from theTrip Unit by the External Harness. The ExternalHarness includes a 2o-pin plug, which connectsto the Cell Harness Assembly. All Retrofit Kitcomponents are mounted on the Breaker, exceptthe Cell Harness Assembly, which is mounted inthe Switchgear Cell. Figures 5-1 , 12-8 and 12-12provide the Retrofit Kit wiring connections on theBreaker and the Switchgear Cell.5.2 Digitrip RMS 510 Retrofit Kit(With Zone lnterlocks) FeaturesThe Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit has the followingfeatures available for customer use, when appliedin the Digitrip RMS 510 Basic Retrofit Kit with Zonelnterlocks:1 . Basic (L,S,l,G) Overcurrent Protection, asselected.2. True RMS Sensing;3. lntegral Trip Unit Testing;4. Unit Status lndicator;5. Local Mode of Trip lndicators;6. Selectable l2t on Shorl Time and Ground FaultTime Delays when those options are selected;and7. Zone lnterlock capabilities of the BreakerShoft Time and Ground Fault Delay Functions,when those options are selected.The Trip Unit also includes provisions to accept therequired Rating Plug. The Rating Plug is equippedwith a battery to power the local mode of tripindicators.Eflective 9/01