AD 33-855-4 Page 69BMS 510 CELL HARNESSswLE NO. 6502C71G016s03C57G01Terminal Block Poini& MarkingTB'I-1 DGTB1-2 GourTB1-3 GiNTB1-4 SourTBl-5 SINNOTICE:1. Zone lnterlock Jumpers Slx-Sqsl and G x-G9g1mustbe installed on TBI or Breakerwill trip instantaneouslyon Short Time and Ground Fault Delay functions.Remove jumpers ONLY if Zone lnterlocking isrequired.All wiring terminators shown are fi.rrnished completewith Rehofit Kit Wiring Hamess, except those indicatedas customer connections.DegcriptionZone lnterlock Digital GroundZone lnterlock Ground OuSutZone lnterlock Ground InputZone lnterlock Short Delay OutputZone lnterlock Short Delay lnputCUSTOMERTB,I CONNECTIONSCELL INTERFACE PLUG 2.(RECEIVES EXTERNAL HABNESS)D(6) @ o @ o 1 o gar!Gou-r@@@@tu^-(e_) to) (1, Aq) ?:4()o oo 3ns^;;-d5 6a 65't 6G),ffih 6it 6D) 60-)rY------:Z------>Z-o 5 (6 oFig. 12-12 Digitrip RMS 510 Cell HarnessRMS 610 CELL HARNESSsTYLE NO. 6502C71G026502c57G02 CUSTOMERCONNECTIONS T82CUSTOMEBCONNECTIONSACl20ATRCOMLDGFHLTerminalBlock Poinl& MarkingTB1-1 DGTB1 2 GOUTTB1-3 G NTBT.4 SOUTTa2-1 AC 120TB2-2 ATRCO]\,4T82.3 LDTB2-4 GFTB2-5 SCT82.6 HLDescriplionZone lnterlock Digital GroundZone lnlerlock Ground OutputZone lnlenock Ground lnputZone lnlerlock Short Deiay OutputZone lnterlock Shorl Delay inputATR 120 Vac lnpul PowerATR Alarm Conlact CommonATR Lonq Delay Trip AlarmATR Ground Fault Tip AlarmATR Shorl Circuit AamATR High Load AlamNOTICE:1- Zone lnlerlock Jumpers StN-Sour andGtN-Gour musi be inslalled on TBl or Breakerwilltrip instantaneously on Shon andGround Fault Delay funclions. Removejumpers ONLY if Zone lnterlocking is required.2. Allwiring terminato6 shown are iurnishedcomp ete wilh Flelrofit Kit Wirinq Hamess,excepl those ndicaled as cuslomer3. ATR contacts are rated al 1 ampere at120 VAC or 1 ampere at 28 VDC.qII@ CELL INTERFACE PLUGFig. 12-13 Digitrip RMS 610 Cell HarnessEtfective g/01