xruH' 1 gn4*We wish to thank you for purchasing the Digitrip Retrofit System. Digitrip Retrofit Kits are designed and manufacturcd inAmerica with pride. All the components are engineered to fit the existing Circuit Breaker with little or no modifications tothe existing Breaker. However due to the wide va ety and vintage of Breakerc in use today, an occasional problem mayarise. Please contact us with any questions, comments or concerns.Phone: 1-800-937-5487 Fax (724) 779-5899The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based onCuter-Hammer's experience and judgement with respect to retrofitting of power breakers.This informatjon should notbe considered to be all inclusive or covering all contingencies. lf further information is required, Cutler-Hammershoold be consulted.NO WAFRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PABTICULARPURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FBOM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OFTRAOE, ARE MADE BEGABDING THE INFOBMATION, BECOMMENDATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONSCONTAINED HERE|N. ln no event will Cutler-Hammer be responsible to the user in contract, in tort ('ncludingnegtigence), strici liability or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or losswhltioever, including but not limited to damage to or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital,loss of profits or revenues, cost of replacement power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, orclaims against the user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, anddescriptions contained herein.Gutler-HammetPiltsburgh, Pennsylvania ll.s.A.Publi;alion No. A0 33 855 4September 200lPrinied in U.S.A.lTBG0004gEfl.N