AD 33-855-48.8 Circuit Breaker Checkout andBench TestBefore the Breaker is returned to the Switchgearfor placement into service, the Retrofit Kit installa-tion must be checked out and tested' Check allBreaker Retrofit wiring paths to be sure that theyare properly routed and free from potential inteder-ence with moving pads within the Breaker. Confirmthat all Wiring Harness terminations are secure.Perform several Breaker Manual Close andOvercurrent Trip Operations. This test can beper4ormed using any of the above described testmethods. An effective installation checkout andtest procedure should include the following.1. Select and set the proper, user determinedOvercurrent Trip Settings for the Digitrip RMSTrip Unit. Verify the Trip Unit is in calibration byseiecting and testing several trip points (asapplicable) on the Long Delay, Shod Delay,lnstantaneous, and Ground Fault Time podionsof the Digitrip RMS Trip Curve' Record the TripUnit settings for permanent record and futurereference. Reset the Trip Unit after testing orthe Rating Plug battery will discharge.Verify the Direct Trip Actuator (DTA) properlyresets. The Breaker will not close unless theDTA resets.For Breakers equipped with Overcurrent TripSwitches (OTS), confirm the proper operationof the OTS. When the Breaker trips on anovercurrent condition, the OTS must latch andits contacts change state. lf not, adjust theOTS as detailed in OTS AdjustmentProcedures in manufacturer's originalinstructions that accompanied the Breaker orSwitchgear.Manually reset the OTS after each trip throughthe push button on the Breaker Faceplate orelectrically, if applicable, by energizing the OTSBeset Coil.Before returning the Breaker to the Switchgearafter Breaker bench testing has been completed,lever the Breaker element levering mechanism fromthe "TEST" position to the "DISCONNECT" posi-tion. Confirm the Breaker position indicator reads"OPEN" and the spring charged indicator reads"DISCHARGED", Effective 9/01