AD 33-855-4Page 189.7 Digitrip RMS Direct Trip Actuator (DTA) .and Auxiliary Switch Kit (See Figure 3-6)The Digitrip RMS Direct Trip Actuator (DTA) re-ceives ln electrical trip pulse from the Trip Unitvia the Auxiliary CT Module and provides themechanical trip force to trip the Breaker.The DTA is made up of a permanent magnet, adisc held by the magnet, a rod acted on by aspring, a means for tripping the Breakel and aiesei Mechanism for mechanically resetting theDTA. The magnet cannot pull and reset the discagainst the force of the spring acting on the rod,.bit it can overcome the spring force when the discis in contact with the magnet pole piece.A tripping pulse from the Trip Unit counteracts theeffect of the permanent magnet, allowing thesorino to separate the disc from the magnet polepiece"anO to actuate the DTA. The DTA strikes thetrip paOdte and trips the Breaker. As the Breakeropens, the Breaker Mechanism moves the DTAReset Mechanism, which moves the disc to closethe air gap between it and the magnet pole piece'The DTA is reset when the disc is held in contactwith the magnet pole piece, against the springforce. lf the DTA does not reset properly, the DTAwill hold the Breaker in the trip free condition andthe Breaker will not be able to close'For Powered Trip Units: Once an overcurrent hasoccurred, the Trip Unit sends an electrical signalto the DTA which will be monitored until the TripUnit is reset, keeping the Breaker in a trip freecondition.RMS 810 & 910 Retrofit Kits include an AuxiliarySwitch Kit, which usually mounts on or near theDTA. The Auxiliary Switch Kit consists of amicroswitch with mounting hardware and brackets'The switch is used to provide the Trip Unit withinformation on the Breaker status, i.e.: open orclosed. This status information is passed onthrough the PowerNet networkHORIZONTAL TRIP UNIT"LTM ACTIVE" "LTM INACTIVE"VERTICAL TRIP UNITLTM JUMPERSTANDARD FROM FACTORY"LTM ACTIVE""LTM INACTIVE"(c)(A)@@@o ,.--. o@(J@,-@oo@@ r-.- Oo\-,,'@,-@(B)Fig. 3-5 Disabling the Long Time Memory (LTM) Efiective 9/01