AD 33-855-4 Page 358,5 Primary Injection TestingI wanr'rrr'rcPRIMARY INJEGTION TESTING CAUSES HEAT-ING OF CIRCUIT BREAKER AND RETROFITCOMPONENTS. FAILURE TO STOP THE TESTSWHEN INSTRUCTED WILL CAUSE SERIOUSDAMAGE TO BOTH THE BREAKER AND RET-ROFIT COMPONENTS.Primary lnjection verifies the complete BreakerOvercurrent Protection System, including theCurrent Sensors, Rating Plug, Trip Unit, and theinterconnecting wiring. lt involves the use of atester (e.g.: Multi-amp Tester or EIL) to inject singlephase primary current through the Breaker to testthe Digitrip RMS Overcurrent Trip System.When testing on Breakers with Current Limiters,the Cunent Limiters should be removed andreplaced by copper shorting bars during testing.Failure to do so could result in compromising theexpected performance of the Current Limiters. TheCurrent Limiters must be reinstalled after testing iscompleted.lf all of the tests from Table 8-1 yield correctresults, the Trip Unit is functioning properly. lf anydifiiculties are encountered during testing, pleasecall Cutler-Hammer at 1 -800-937-5487.A.8.5.1 Primary lnjection Test ProceduresPrior to Primary lnjection Testing;. Defeat Zone lnterlocks;. Defeat Unpowered Thermal Memory;. Defeat Ground Fault trip function; and. Use Auxiliary Power.During Primary lniection Testing:. Reset the Trip Unit;. Reset the Trip Settings (see Table 8-1);o Close the Breaker;. Conduct the test (see Table 8-1);o Abort the Test (see Table 8-1); ando Record the Test Results.- Compare the actual results with theexpected test results in Table 8-1 .- 61 0, 810, & 910 Trip Units will displaythe elapsed time of the test and thendisplay the cause of TriP Code.- Press the Step button to view the testcurrent magnitude after each test.- Permanently record the results to verifycalibration of the TriP SYstem.After Primary lniection Testing:o Reset the Trip Unit;. Confirm the Breaker Status; andConfirm the Ground Fault Trip Function isactivated.Etfective 9/01