Page 8 AD 33-855-43. Retrofit Kits shown with Ground Fault (G)Protection assume a 3-phase' 3-wiregrounded system. lf the retrofit is for a4-wire grounded system, the customer mustspecify the fourthsensor when ordering the kit'Also, provisions must be made on the Breakerto bring the foudh sensor wiring through theBreaker secondary contacts. Secondarycontacts and brackets, etc. are not included inthe content ot the kits.4. Digitrip RMS 610, 81O, & 91O Retrofit Kitsrequire an external (customer supplied) 120VAC source to power the Trip Unit informationfunctions and Alphanumeric Digital Displays,as applicable. lf the Optional Breaker MountedControl Power Transformer (CPT) is utilized,the External 120 VAC power source via theCell Harness assembly is not utilized for thiscondition.2.3 The Retrofit ProcessDuring the Retrofit process, the Retrofitter mustadhere to the following guidelines to insure that theBreaker is in good working condition, that theRetrofit is pedormed correctly, and that theBreaker is ready to return to service.1 . lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter toinsure that the Breaker and all originalcomponents are in good condition by visuallyinspecting each component for signs ofdamage or wear. lf any signs of damage orwear are detected for components notincluded in the Retrofit Kit, the Retrofitter mustsecure the necessary replacement partsbefore beginning the Retrofit process.2. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter tocarefully follow all instructions supplied withthe Retrofit kit.3. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter toinsure that the Direct Trip Actuator (DTA)Assembly has been correctly set-up,according to the specifications given withinthe instructions supplied with the Retrofit Kit.4. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter toinsure that, following the Retrofit process, theforce necessary to trip the Breaker meets thespecifications given within the instructionssupplied with the Retrofit Kit.5. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter to testthe Retrofitted Breaker using primary injection.Refer to Section 8 of this manual for detailedtesting procedures and specifications. Fortest information specific to the Trip Unit, referto the lL publication supplied with the RetrofitKit.6. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter tomount the Cell Harness in the cell in a locationsuitable for connection with the ExternalHarness.7. lt is the responsibility of the Retrofitter toinstall the retrofitted Breaker in the Cell toinsure proper Breaker / Cell fit and correctBreaker operation.2.4 Digitrip RMS Retrofit Kit AccessoriesTable 2-2 provides a listing of optional accessoriesthat are useful in the installation, maintenance, andoperation of your Breaker equipped with a DigitripRMS Retrof it Efieclive 9/01