A0 33-855-4Figure 8-1 shows the zones for pick-up and nopick-up. The Digitrip Trip Unit must not pick-upbelow Zone A (the pick-up tolerance zone) andmust always pick-up above Zone A. Field pick-uptesting of the Retrofit Kits must not be done withinthe tolerance zone (Zone A), since the Trip Unitmay or may not pick-up within this zone. Belowband testing, Zone B, confirms that the pick-upwill not occur below the minimum pick-up level.Above band testing, Zone C, confirms that thepick-up will occur at or above the minimum pick-up level. Figure 8-1 also shows the tolerance zonefor trip times. Field time testing confirms that theBreaker will trip within this time zone.8.3 Recommended Test Accessories1. Auxiliary Power Module (APM)Catalog number - PRTAAPM,Style number - 1267C16G01. Provides auxiliary power to the Trip Unit'smicroprocessor.. Applicable to all Retrofit Kits. lt is requiredon Retrofit Kits with a Breaker MountedCPT.2. 12OVAC Power Supply with an On / Offswitch Retrofitter supplied switch and plug.. Reduces wear on the Auxiliary PowerModule plugs.. Applicable to the Auxiliary Power Moduleand the test Cell Harness assembly.3. Test Cell Harness AssemblyStyle number - 65O3C57GG!o Shorts out Zone Interlocks.. Provides auxiliary power to the Trip Unitwhen equipped with a power cord and a120 VAC power supply with an On / Offswitch.. Applicable to 510 Retrofit Kits (with Zonelnterlocks (ZSD), 610 to 910 and OPTIMRetrofit Kits.. Not applicable to the 510 Basic Retrofit Kits(without Zone lnterlocks).4. ZSI Shorting PlugStyle number - 65O2C83G01 for all RetrofitKits except for the DS Retrofit Kit.. DS Retrofit Kits - standard with all TripUnits from 510 to OPTIM.. Shods out Zone lnterlocks.. Applicable to all Retrofit Kits when notusing the Test Gell Harness Assembly toshort out the Zone lnterlocks.5. Amptector and Digitrip Test SetStyle number - A779CO2GO2. Tests the Trip Unit, DTA, and Auxiliary CTModule duringSecondary lnjection Testing.. Applicable to all Retrofit Kits for Secondarylnjection Testing.ptCKUpTEST T|ME TESIJ=l.l J=lFig- 8-1 Pick-up Test and nme TestElT.il Eliective 9/01