AD 33-855-49.4 Resetting The Trip Unit After a TripFollowino an Overcurrent Trip. the Trip Unit is resetbv deoreisinq the TRIP RESET push button' Thefrip Unit should Oe reset before the Breaker isclosed.The RMS 510 Retrofit Trip Unit mode of trip LEDsare powered by the Rating Plug battery' The- .Breaker can be closed without resetting the TripUnit, however the LED will remain lit until the TripUnit TRIP RESET push button is depressed'Resetting the Trip Unit in a timely manner saves onbattery life. ln new condition. the battery will powerthe LED for approximately 60 hours'The RMS 61 O, 810, & 910 Retrofits have provisionsfor 120 VAC source. lf the 120 VAC source is "ON,"the Breaker will be held in the Trip Free Condition(cannot be closed) by the Direct Trip ActuatoriDTA) until the Trip Unit TBIP RESET push button isdeoressed. The Trip Unit mode of trip LEDs areoowered bv the 120 VAC source, and backed upbv the batterv in the Rating Plug. lf the 120 VACsource to the Trip Unit is lost. the Trip Unit acts asdescribed for the RMS 510.The RMS 810 & 910 Retrofits have communica-tions capability, which permit opening and (forelectrically operated Breakers) closing via - .PowewrN-et. ln the event of an Overcurrent Trip,the Trio Unit will act as described. requiring localresetting of the Trip Unit before the Breaker can beclosed.-However, if the Breaker is tripped remotelyvia PowerNet (alphanumeric coded messageEXfD, it can be closed via PowerNet without localresetting at the TriP Unit'9.5 Removing the Breaker From theCONNECT PositionRMS 510 Basic Retrofitted Breakers include noExternal Harness and require no special proce-dures (other than those normally observ-ed) for.remouing the Breaker from the CONNECT positionin the Switchgear Cell.RMS 510 Zone, 61 0, 81 0, & 9.1 0 Retrofitted Kitsare equipped with an External Harness Care mustbe observed to disconnect the External HarnessPluo from the Switchgear Cell Harness Assemblywhin removing the Bieaker from the CONNECTposition.NOTE: lf the Cell Terminal Block, Wiring Harness,and Plug Assembly are properly positionedin the Switchgear Cell with respect to theBreaker, the Breaker can be withdrawn tothe TEST position with the External Har-ness plugged in. However, to withdraw theBreaker completely from the cell, theExternal Harness must be disconnected'A cnurror'rFAILURE TO DISCONNECT THE EXTERNALHARNESS FROM THE CELL HARNESSASSEMBLY IN THE SWITCHGEAR CELLCOULD CAUSE PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO THEEOUIPMENT.E:T.ltl Effective 9/01