Page 54AD 33-855-410.2 Setting Digitrip RMS CommunicationsAddreis (Digitrip RMS 810 & 9'10 KitsOnlY)NOTE: Setting Digitrip RMS PowerNet AddressprovidLs the Trip Unit a unique identifica-iion for communications. PowerNet com-munications may be compromised unlessthe Trip Unit, Breaker, and Switchgear Cellare matched.To enable the INCOMM communications system toidentifv each Circuit Breaker individually, theDioitri; BMS 810 & 910 Trip Units have a uniquethrie digit "ADDRESS" which INCOMM uses toidentify the Trip Unit and the Circuit Breaker itcontrols.NOTE: Digitrip 81 0 & 910 Trip Units will alreadyco-ntain a factory-set Baud Rate andAddress which, in general, will not apply tovour network. For proper communications,each Trip Unit Address and Baud Ratemust be set to the values applicable foryour network. Similarly, prior to the instal-iation of a Trip Unit into its Circuit Breaker'or prior to installation of a Circuit Breakerinto its compartment (after maintenance forexample), the user should verify that theBaud Rate and Address are correct Failureto use the correct Baud Rate or Addresscan confuse the communication system' ltis recommended that the appropriate BaudRate, Address, and Circuit Breaker Celllocation or bus or circuit reference berecorded in the spaces provided on theTrip Unit Display Panel, for future reference(see Figure 10-4).The user can view the present Address and assigna new 3-digit Address by the following the proce-dure detailed below.NOTE: The Breaker need not be open and may becarrying current'1. Press and continue to hold in the "Trip Reset"push button (see Figure 10-4)'2. Watch the display window and, after about5 seconds, the kA, MW, or MWh value willdisappear, and either the letter H or L (BaudRate code), followed by the 3-digit Address(between OOt ana 999, there is no 000) willappear. (You do need to continue to hold in the"Trip Reset" push button.)To increment the Address, press and releasethe "Demand Reset" push button near thedisplay window (see Figure 10-2). The Addresswill increase by one unit each time you pressthe Demand Reset push button. lf you pressand hold the Demand Reset push bution, theAddress will increase continuously, slowly atfirst, and then faster as you continue to holdthe button in. (Continue to hold in the TripReset push button while you do this.)To decrement the Address, press and releasethe "Step" push button, also located near thedisplay window (see Figure 10-4). The Addresswill decrease by one unit each time you pressthe Step push button. lf you press and hold theStep push button, the Address will decreasecontinuously, slowly at first, and then faster asvou continue to hold the button in. (Continue toirold in the Trip Reset push button while you dothis.)The letter "H" refers to the High (9'600) BaudRate; and the letter "L" refers to the Low(1 .200) Baud Rate' An "X" in the Baud Rateiietd indicates that neither High nor Low BaudRate has been selected. Press and release the"Test" push button to change the Baud Rate'(You do need to continue to hold in the TripReset push button.)Suooestion.' Before you press and release the"Ie? 'pusfr button set the "Test Amps" switchto 1 to minimize the effect of an unintendedtest, which can occur if your other finger .wouldhappen to come off the "Trip Reset" pushbuion. For conect communications, be sure touse the Terminating Resistor at the end of thetuvisted pair (last element in the INCOMMchainl. Fiqures 1O-5, 10-6, and 10-7 show thetocation 6f the Terminating Resisto/: Refer to TD. 17-531 for the correct PowerNet wiringspecification.4.5.6. When the Address and Baud Rate code in thedisplay window are correct, release the "TripReset; push button to save the values into theTrip Unit's non-volatile memory and the kA'MW, or MWh value will return to the displaywindow lf control power is lost, the Trip Unitwill still know its (new) Address and Baud Rate' Effective 9/01