SettingsContextual help of the web interface – 146•••••••••existing.: mqtt/syslog/webserverExamples of usageFrom a linux host:print over SSH: sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS certificates local print $SERVICE_NAMErevoke over SSH: sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS certificates local revoke $SERVICE_NAMEexport over SSH: sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS certificates local export $SERVICE_NAMEimport over SSH: cat $FILE | sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS certificates local import$SERVICE_NAMEcsr over SSH: sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS certificates local csr mqttFrom a Windows host: (plink tools from putty is required)print over SSH: plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch certificates local print $SERVICE_NAMErevoke over SSH: plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch certificates local revoke $SERVICE_NAMEexport over SSH: plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch certificates local export $SERVICE_NAMEimport over SSH: type $FILE | plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch certificates local import$SERVICE_NAMEcsr over SSH: plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch certificates local csr mqttWhere:$USER is user name (the user shall have administrator profile)$PASSWORD is the user password$PASSPHRASE is any passphrase to encrypt/decrypt sensible data.$CARD_ADDRESS is IP or hostname of the card$FILE is a certificate file$SERVICE_NAME is the name one of the following services : mqtt / syslog / webserver. For other CLI commands3.7.9.8 TroubleshootingSoftware is not able to communicate with the Network moduleSymptomsIn the Network Module, in Contextual help>>>Protection>>>Agent list>>>Agent list table , agent is showing "Lost" asa status.In the Network Module, in Contextual help>>>Settings>>>Certificate>>>Trusted remote certificates , the status ofthe Protected applications (MQTT) is showing "Not valid yet".IPP/IPM shows "The authentication has failed", "The notifications reception encountered error".See the CLI commands in the Information>>>CLI section.