CLIInformation – 278••••••save_configuration: print the card configuration in JSON format to standard output.restore_configuration -hrestore_configuration: restore the card configuration from a JSON-formatted standard input. Examples of usage7. From a linux host:Save over SSH: sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS save_configuration -p $PASSPHRASE> $FILERestore over SSH: cat $FILE | sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS restore_configuration -p $PASSPHRASE7. From a Windows host:Save over SSH: plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch save_configuration -p $PASSPHRASE > $FILERestore over SSH: type $FILE | plink $USER@$CARD_ADDRESS -pw $PASSWORD -batch restore_configuration -p $PASSPHRASE(Require plink tools from putty)Where:$USER is user name (the user shall have administrator profile)$PASSWORD is the user password$PASSPHRASE is any passphrase to encrypt/decrypt sensible data.$CARD_ADDRESS is IP or hostname of the card$FILE is a path to the JSON file (on your host computer) where the configuration is saved or restored. Specifics7.7.14.5 Access rights per profilesAdministrator Operator Viewersave_configurationrestore_configuration7.7.15 sanitize7.7.15.1 DescriptionSanitize command to return card to factory reset configuration. AccessAdministrator7.7.15.3 Helpsanitize-h, --help Display help page--withoutconfirmation Do factory reset of the card without confirmation Do factory reset of the card