Accessing the Network ModuleInstalling the Network Management Module – Accessing the web interfaceSTEP 1 – Be sure that the Device is powered on.STEP 2 – On the host computer, download the rndis.7z file from the website and extract it. For moreinformation, navigate to Servicing the Network Management Module>>>Accessing to the latest Network Module firmware/driver section.STEP 3 – Launch setProxy.bat to add 169.254.* in proxy’s exceptions list, if needed. For manual configuration, navigate to Installingthe Network Management Module>>>Accessing the Network Module>>>Modifying the Proxy exception list section in the fulldocumentation.STEP 4 – Launch a supported browser, the browser window appears.STEP 5 – In the Address/Location field, enter:, the static IP address of the Network Module for RNDIS. The login screen appears.STEP 6 – Enter the user name in the User Name field. The default user name is admin.STEP 7 – Enter the password in the Password field. The default password is admin.STEP 8 – Click Login. The Network Module local web interface appears.2.5.4 Accessing the card through serial terminal emulationThis connection is used to access and configure the Network Module network settings locally through Serial (Serial over USBinterface).