Chapter 5—System Configuration and Operation106 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 www.eaton.comGeneral Purpose Input / Output Operation ModeThe C445 can operate as general purpose I/O providing theuser 4 discrete inputs and 3 discrete outputs that can becontrolled over a fieldbus network.The inputs on the Base Control Module are not used by thisOperation Mode. All 4 inputs may be used as generalpurpose inputs.No User Interface overlays are supported by this operationmode.Outputs 1, 2 and 3 – open for user configuration and theirfunction can be selected by the user.Control SettingsThe following parameters are used to configure theGeneral Purpose IO Operation Mode and the C445 sourcesof control.Table 21. Configuration ParameterNote1 Soft reset (power cycle) required for changes to these parameters to take effect.Fieldbus Control WordThe General Purpose IO control profile will accept thefollowing control commands over a fieldbus network.Control BitsBit 3 0 = No action1= Reset fault (will clear fault provided conditionhas cleared)Bit 5 0 = No action1 = The C445 will issue a “Test Trip” fault (generalpurpose outputs are not affected by Test Trip)Control Status WordThe control status word of the General Purpose IO profilecan be accessed over the fieldbus network.Status BitsBit 2 0 = local control source active1= remote control source is activeBit 3 0 = no fault present1= C445 fault presentBit 4 0 = no warning present1= C445 warning presentBit 5 0 = no inhibit present1= C445 control inhibit presentBit 6 0 = C445 not ready (fault and/or inhibit present)1= C445 ready for control (No fault or inhibit present)Configuration Parameter Modbus Register Description Read/WriteActive Operation Mode 1 700 This parameter selects the Operation Mode R/WTrip Enable Bit Field 1000-1001 Trip (Fault) protection enable bitsSet bits to enable desired protectionsR/WWarn Enable Bit Field 1002-1003 Warning protection enable bitsSet bits to enable desired protection warningsR/WC445 Local Source Selector 1 711 Set to “1 no local control R/WC445 Remote Source Selector 712 Set to “1” Fieldbus is remote control R/WC445 Q1 Output function select 1 715 Output 1 user function selection R/WC445 Q2 Output function select 1 716 Output 2 user function selection R/WC445 Q3 Output function select 1 717 Output 3 user function selection R/W