Chapter 9—C445 Logic Engine and Expansion I/OPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 193C445 Expansion Inputs and OutputsConnecting and Configuring Expansion I/Ofor the C445When expansion I/O modules are added to a C445 using theLogic and Expansion I/O software tool, these I/O variables,both digital and analog become accessible in the LogicEngine. Toggle between the Logic Engine and the expansionI/O configuration with the icons shown below.Access the LogicAccess the Expansion I/O ConfiguratorNote that the I/O can be used without the Logic Engine.Configure the I/O in the Expansion I/O Configurator page andleave the Logic Engine canvas empty. Then, download theI/O configuration to the C445 with no program. Conversely,the Logic Engine can be used without expansion I/O. Writea logic program compile it and download it to the C445,without adding any I/O modules using the Expansion I/OConfigurator page.Below is a C445 with a digital and an analog expansion I/Omodule. Simply double click an I/O module on the left to addit to the expansion I/O on the right. The first I/O moduleadded to the C445 also adds the ELC-CARS485 adapter.