Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 285Instance AttributesSr. No. Attribute ID Access Data Type Attribute Name Attribute Description1 1 (0x1) Get/Set USINT RTC Time RTC Time in hh:mm:ss format (24 hour format)2 2 (0x2) Get/Set UINT RTC Year RTC year3 3 (0x3) Get/Set USINT RTC Month RTC month4 4 (0x4) Get/Set USINT RTC Day of Month RTC day of month5 5 (0x5) Get/Set USINT RTC Disable Oscillator If a 1 is set, oscillator on RTC will be stopped to savebatter power6 6 (0x6) Get/Set USINT RTC Power Interrupted RTC backup power has been interrupted7 7 (0x7) Get USINT RTC Status RTC Status Enum8 8 (0x8) Get USINT RTC Time Set Status If 0 successful, 1 pending, 2 failure9 9 (0x9) Get/Set USINT RTC Time Zone Hours and Minutes hh:mm in time zone assignment (UTC+/-hh:mm)10 10 (0xA) Get/Set USINT RTC Time Zone Ahead of UTC If true, UTC+hh:mm; otherwise UTC-hh:mm11 11 (0xB) Get USINT RTC Time Zone DST Setting Status RTC Time Zone DST Setting Status12 12 (0xC) Get/Set USINT RTC DST Rule RTC DST Rule13 13 (0xD) Get/Set USINT RTC Manual DST Rule Start Time RTC Manual DST Rule Start Spec (month, week, weekday,hour, minute)14 14 (0xE) Get/Set USINT RTC Manual DST Rule End Time RTC Manual DST Rule End Spec (month, week, weekday,hour, minute)15 15 (0xF) Get UDINT RTC Time UNIX format RTC time in seconds from UNIX epoch16 16 (0x10) Get/Set USINT RTC Time Hours RTC Time Hours17 17 (0x11) Get/Set USINT RTC Time Minutes RTC Time Minutes18 18 (0x12) Get/Set USINT RTC Time Seconds RTC Time Seconds19 19 (0x13) Get UINT RTC Time RTC Time20 20 (0x14) Get USINT RTC Month and Date RTC Month and DateTable 112. BCM Object—Class 0xB1 (177)Class ServicesServiceCode Service Name0x0E Get Attribute SingleInstance ServicesServiceCode Service Name0x0E Get Attribute Single0x10Class AttributesSr. No. Attribute ID Access Rule Data Type Name Attribute Description1 1 (0x1) Get UINT Revision Revision of this object2 2 (0x2) Get UINT Max Instance Maximum instance number of an object currently createdin this class level of the device.3 3 (0x3) Get UINT Number of Instances Number of object instances currently created at this classlevel of the device.Table 111. RTC Object—Class 0xB0 (176), continued