Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 2376 2 Digital Outputs Bits 0-7 = Outputs for the fifth digital output cardBits 8-15 = Outputs for the sixth digital output card8 2 Digital Outputs Bits 0-7 = Outputs for the seventh digital output cardBits 8-15 = Outputs for the eighth digital output card10 16 Analog Outputs 8 Output words of data for 8 analog outputsOutput Instance 127 (0x7F): Extended Motor Starter 2 with Basic Analog and Digital OutputsLength = 8 BytesByteOffsetSize(bytes) Name Description0 2 Extended MotorStarter 2 with BasicAnalog and DigitalOutputsExtended Motor Starter 2 bits(Byte 1: NETCTRL_CONTROL)(Byte 2: BCM_Field_Outputs)Bit 0: Run1Bit 1: Run2Bit 2: ReservedBit 3: Fault ResetBit 4: Control From Network / Switch to RemoteBit 5: Test TripBit 6: ReservedBit 7: ReservedBit 8: Output#1 (Conditional. Depends on Operation Mode)Bit 9: Output#2 (Conditional. Depends on Operation Mode)Bit 10: Output#3 (Conditional. Depends on Operation Mode)Bits 11-15: Reserved2 2 Digital Outputs Bits 0-7 = Outputs for the first digital output cardBits 8-15 = Outputs for the second digital output card4 4 Analog Outputs 2 Output words of data for 2 analog outputsOutput Instance 126 (0x7E): Basic Output Control with Extended Analog and Digital Outputs, continuedLength = 26 BytesByteOffsetSize(bytes) Name Description