Chapter 8—C445UM Monitoring User Interface154 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 www.eaton.comC445UM User Interface SettingsThe monitoring user interface offers a number ofcustomizable features. Navigate to PRG R User InterfaceSettings to view or change settings.Control Button Enable/Disable—If the User Interface is theLocal Control Source, control buttons are enabled. To prohibitlocal start, the start button can be disabled in PRG R UserInterface Settings R Enable Cntrl ButtonsIf the User Interface is not the Local Control Source (LocalControl Source is set to “Fieldwire” or “No Local Control”OR Active Operation Mode is “Overload Only”), controlbuttons are disabled. If No Remote Control is set, the Autobutton is disabled. Whether individually disabled or not usedbecause the user interface is not a control source, the screenwill notify the user if a button is not enabled whendepressed:Figure 127. C445UM Control Button DisabledNotification ScreenReset Button Enable/Disable—RESET clears a fault. TheUser Interface RESET button is always enabled by default,even if the User Interface is not a Control Source. RESETdoes not stop the motor in a running condition, it simplyclears the fault if the condition is no longer present. Usersmay also perform a reset over the Fieldbus network or with aFieldwire input. If desired, the User Interface RESET buttoncan be disabled. If depressed when disabled, the LCD screenwill tell the user that the button is disabled.PRG R User Interface Settings R Enable Cntrl ButtonsButton Debounce—Users can configure a debounce timefor START, STOP, AUTO or RESET buttons. The button mustbe depressed for this time before the function actuates. Thismay be desired to prevent accidental actuation.PRG R User Interface Settings R Advanced (UI Settings) RStart, Stop, Auto, Reset DebounceLED Colors and Brightness— The User Interface providescontrol status LEDs indicating running, stopped and autostatus. These status LEDs always function regardless ofwhether control buttons are enabled. Two additional LEDsindicate FAULT or WARN conditions.Table 65. Running/Stopped/AutoLED Color SettingsPRG R User Interface Settings R Advanced (UI Settings) RStart, Stop, Auto LED ColorThe brightness setting of all LEDs can also be adjusted.One setting applies to all LEDs.PRG R User Interface Settings R LED BrightnessLCD Settings—Users can customize screen brightness andcontrast for the LCD screen.PRG R User Interface Settings R Brightness, ContrastScreen Idle Behavior—Users can define an inactivity timeperiod that will be considered screen idle and then setscreen idle behavior. Optional behaviors include reducingbrightness to a user settable idle level, returning to the lastviewed measurement screen or to a specific measurementparameter, and/or logging out if password protection is used.PRG R User Interface Settings R Inactivity Timeout(sets timeout time)PRG R User Interface Settings R Timeout Behavior(sets behavior options at timeout)PRG R User Interface Settings R Idle Brightness(sets idle brightness level, if used as a behavior)PRG R User Interface Settings R Default Measure Param(sets the monitoring parameter the screen will return to onidle, if used as a behavior)Button Options DefaultRun RGAW RStop RGAW GAuto AW A