Appendix C—Optional Communication Cards232 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 www.eaton.com2 2 Current I1 MOTOR_I_A_SCALED:Phase A (L1) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”4 2 Current I2 MOTOR_I_B_SCALED:Phase B (L2) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”6 2 Current I3 MOTOR_I_C_SCALED:Phase C (L3) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”Input Instance 101 (0x65): Status Current Monitoring with Basic Analog and Digital InputsLength = 20 bytesByteOffsetSize(bytes) Name Description0 2 Device Status C445_DEVICE_STATUS:Device Bit ArrayBit 0: Faulted/TrippedBit 1: WarningBit 2: Output #1Bit 3: Output #2Bit 4: Input #1Bit 5: Input #2Bit 6: Input #3Bit 7: Input #4Bit 8: Running1Bit 9: Running2Bit 10: Remote or CtrlFromNetBit 11: Output #3Bit 12: ReservedBit 13: InhibitedBit 14: ReadyBit 15: AtRef or Up-To-Speed2 2 Current L1 MOTOR_I_A_SCALED:Phase A (L1) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”4 2 Current L2 MOTOR_I_B_SCALED:Phase B (L2) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”6 2 Current L3 MOTOR_I_C_SCALED:Phase C (L3) Motor Current Scaled.Scaled by parameter “I Scale Factor.”8 2 Digital Inputs Bits 0-7 = Inputs for the first digital input cardBits 8-15 = Inputs for the second digital input card10 10 Analog Inputs 5 Input words of data for analog inputs and status word(s)Input Instance 100 (0x64): Status, Current, continuedLength = 8 BytesByteOffsetSize(bytes) Name Description