Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 281Instance AttributesSr. No. Attribute ID Access Data Type Attribute Name Attribute Description5 5 (0x5) Get/Set BYTE Auto reset enable capability for each tripbitPer tripping type auto reset enable bits.Bit location - condition0 - under voltage1 - over voltage2 - Reserved3 - ground current fault4 - current phase loss5 - current unbalance6 - instantaneous over current7 - jam8 - PF deviation9 - voltage phase loss10 - voltage unbalance11 - freq deviation fast12 - freq deviation slow13 - under current14 - high power15 - low power16 - Reserved17 - exceeds starts limit18 - overload19 - stall20 - phase rotation mismatch21 - PTC22 - under voltage restart23 - peak demand24 - HRGF pulse detection6 6 (0x6) Get/Set UINT Reset time delay. The amount of time towait until we do an auto reset.Time delay before auto-reset7 7 (0x7) Get/Set BOOL Perform reset on power up. Protection allowed after delay since start8 8 (0x8) Get/Set UINT Motor State time delay after which theRUN state is declared if not reached viacurrent thresholds.Motor State time delay after which the RUN state isdeclared if not reached via current thresholds.9 9 (0x9) Get/Set BOOL Start inhibited protection enable whenmotor is up to speed.If enabled, only allows protection when motor is up tospeed10 10 (0xA) Get/Set UINT Phase Rotation Phase Rotation11 11 (0xB) Get/Set UINT Protection Instantaneous Overcurrent TripLevelProtection Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip Level12 12 (0xC) Get/Set UINT Protection Instantaneous OvercurrentDebounceProtection Instantaneous Overcurrent Debounce13 13 (0xD) Get/Set UINT Protection Instantaneous OvercurrentAlarm LevelProtection Instantaneous Overcurrent Alarm Level14 14 (0xE) Get/Set UINT Protection Instantaneous OvercurrentStart DelayProtection Instantaneous Overcurrent Start Delay15 15 (0xF) Get/Set USINT Protection UnderCurrent Trip Level Protection UnderCurrent Trip Level16 16 (0x10) Get/Set UINT Protection UnderCurrent Trip Debounce Protection UnderCurrent Trip Debounce17 17 (0x11) Get/Set USINT Protection UnderCurrent Alarm Level Protection UnderCurrent Alarm Level18 18 (0x12) Get/Set USINT Protection I Unbalance Trip Percent Level Protection I Unbalance Trip Percent Level19 19 (0x13) Get/Set UINT Protection I Unbalance Trip DebounceTimeProtection I Unbalance Trip Debounce Time20 20 (0x14) Get/Set USINT Protection I Unbalance Alarm PercentLevelProtection I Unbalance Alarm Percent Level21 21 (0x15) Get USINT I Phase Loss Trip Level in percent I Phase Loss Trip Level in percent22 22 (0x16) Get UINT I Phase Loss Debounce I Phase Loss DebounceTable 108. Motor Protection Object—Class 0xA2 (162), continued