Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 25526 2 Apparent PowerFactorPOWER_PF_APPARENT:(%) (x0.01)28 2 Ground Current MOTOR_GF_I_RES_RMS:Ground Current in Amps x current scale factor30 2 Line Frequency LINE_FREQLine Frequency (x0.01Hz)32 4 Trip Reason STATUS_TRIPPED_BITS0x0000 0001 - under voltage0x0000 0002 - over voltage0x0000 0004 - Reserved0x0000 0008 - ground current fault0x0000 0010 - current phase loss0x0000 0020 - current unbalance0x0000 0040 - instantaneous over current0x0000 0080 - jam0x0000 0100 - PF deviation0x0000 0200 - voltage phase loss0x0000 0400 - voltage unbalance0x0000 0800 - freq deviation fast0x0000 1000 - freq deviation slow0x0000 2000 - under current0x0000 4000 - high power0x0000 8000 - low power0x0001 0000 - Reserved0x0002 0000 - exceeds starts limit0x0004 0000 - overload0x0008 0000 - stall0x0010 0000 - phase rotation mismatch0x0020 0000 - PTC0x0040 0000 - under voltage restart0x0080 0000 - peak demand0x0100 0000 - HRGF pulse detection36 4 Warning Reason STATUS_WARNING_BITSWarning/Alarm Indications0x0000 0001 - under voltage0x0000 0002 - over voltage0x0000 0004 - Reserved0x0000 0008 - ground current warning0x0000 0010 - current phase loss0x0000 0020 - current unbalance0x0000 0040 - instantaneous over current0x0000 0080 - jam0x0000 0100 - PF deviation0x0000 0200 - voltage phase loss0x0000 0400 - voltage unbalance0x0000 0800 - freq deviation fast0x0000 1000 - freq deviation slow0x0000 2000 - under current0x0000 4000 - high power0x0000 8000 - low powerInput Instance 118 (0x76): Full Monitoring with Analog and Digital Inputs, continuedLength = 58 BytesByteOffsetSize(bytes) Name Description