Appendix C—Optional Communication Cards226 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 www.eaton.comConfiguration Using an EDS FileThe C445 has an EtherNet/IP EDS file available. It can beimported into any EtherNet/IP configuration tools thatsupport EDS files. This EDS file may be downloaded fromthe Eaton website.http://www.eaton.comConfiguring Using the inControl Software ToolThere is a Modbus TCP Ethernet DTM/Driver for theinControl software tool. This interface may be used toconnect to the C445 Motor Management Relay via theC445 Ethernet Card. Refer to the inControl software tooluser manual for additional information (publicationMN040013EN.EtherNet/IP ProtocolThe C445 Ethernet Card can be connected to any EtherNet/IP network. It can be connected both as an Explicit Messageserver and as an Implicit (I/O) Message target.The Implicit connections supported include:● Exclusive Owner● Listen Only● Input OnlyTable 90. EtherNet/IP Object Model for the C445 Motor Management RelayNo. Class Object No. of Instances Description1 0x01 (1) Identity 1 Provides module identity object.2 0x02 (2) Message Router 1 Internal object implemented per ODVA specification3 0x04 (4) Assembly Object I/P:50, 51, 54, 100, 107, 110, 116, 121O/P:2, 5,104, 105, 106Dynamic I/P:150Binds attributes from multiple objects for access with a singleImplicit (I/O) connection.4 0x06 (6) Connection Manager 1 Internal object supporting connection management.Implemented per ODVA specification5 0x08 (8) Discrete Input Point 8 Status information for the discrete Inputs.6 0x09 (9) Discrete Output Point 3 Status and control for the discrete Outputs.7 0x29 (41) Control Supervisor 1 Motor control functions.8 0x2C (44) Overload 1 Motor overload protection.9 0x88 (136) System Component Definition 5 Vendor Specific Object.10 0x93 (147) Voltage Object 1 Vendor Specific object for monitoring voltage.11 0x96 (150) Dynamic Input AssemblyInterface1 An interface to insert the parameter in dynamic assemblyinstance number 150.12 0xC7 (199) Test Only 1 Vendor Specific Object.13 0x9B (155) Motor Info 1 Vendor Specific Object.14 0x9F (159) Operation Mode 1 Vendor Specific Object.15 0xA0 (160) Modbus 1 Vendor Specific Object.16 0xA1 (161) Motor Monitoring 1 Vendor Specific Object.17 0xA2 (162) Motor Protection 1 Vendor Specific Object.18 0xA5 (165) Snap Shot 1 Vendor Specific Object.19 0xAA (170) Parameter Access 1 Vendor Specific Object.20 0xB0 (176) RTC 1 Vendor Specific Object. Provides access to RTC21 0xB1 (177) BCM 1 Vendor Specific Object.23 0xB3 (179) Option Card 1 Vendor Specific Object.24 0xF4 (244) Port Object 1 The Port Object describes the communication interfaces thatare present on the device and visible to CIP.25 0xF5 (245) TCP/IP Interface 1 EtherNet/IP Specific object. Information about the TCP/IPInterface. Implemented per ODVA specification26 0xF6 (246) Ethernet Link 2 EtherNet/IP Specific object. Ethernet link object for each ofthe 2 Ethernet ports on the device. Implemented per ODVAspecification.