Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—January 2019 223When switch 9 is ON and other DIP switches are:0 – Static IP: hardcoded IP address of – DHCP: Pulls IP address from DHCP server2 – NV Static: Full address taken from device Non-VolatileMemory (static)3 – NV DHCP: Addresses are taken from the DHCP serverand assigned to device NV memory. To keep this address asstatic, power down the device and then change DIP Switchsetting to 2 (NV Static) before re-powering the device4 – Internal IP Address Allocation Method: Devicedisregards DIP Switch selections and IP configuration is donevia inControl software by setting parameter “IP ADDRESSALLOCATION METHOD.” The available settings for thisparameter are the same as settings 0 through 3 available viaDIP Switches. Setting 3 NV DHCP allows devices to getaddresses from DHCP and assigns them to NV memory.Next, setting the parameter to 2 in the software beforepower cycle will allow devices to retain the last active IPaddresses as static without having to physically change DIPSwitches on each device.The DIP Switches are used to configure the IP address forthe Ethernet port. Even though there are two Ethernet portson the Ethernet Option card, these ports act as a two portswitch and both have the same IP address. This allowsmultiple C445 Ethernet Cards to be daisy-chained rather thaneach being connected to the same switch or switches. It alsoprovides for the capability of connecting in a redundant ringtopology when connected through switches that support thistechnology.