4-60 Configuring Your ServerDisk ArrayLSI Software RAID Configuration Utility manages Disk Array by a number beginning with 0. Youcan see a number of Disk Array where [Axx] of [Objects - PHYSICAL DRIVE SELECTIONMENU] DG X] in [Objects] menu.Universal RAID Utility manages Disk Array by a number beginning with 1. You can see a numberof Disk Array where [Disk Array] in the property of Logical Drive on RAID Viewer or [RAIDController #X Disk Array #Y] in the property of Disk Array on raidcmd.Physical Drive and Physical DeviceLSI Software RAID Configuration Utility manages Physical Drive by ID. You can see ID ofPhysical Drive where [Port #] of [Objects - PHYSICAL DRIVE SELECTION MENU] DG X] in[Objects] menu.Universal RAID Utility manages Physical Device by a number beginning with 1 and ID. The ID issame value of ID on LSI Software RAID Configuration Utility. You can see a number and ID ofPhysical Device where [Number] and [ID] in the property of Physical Device on RAID Viewer or[RAID Controller #X Physical Device #Y] and [ID] in the property of Physical Device on raidcmd.Setting of PriorityLSI Software RAID Configuration Utility displays and sets Rebuild Priority and Consistency CheckPriority of RAID Controller by percentage. But, Universal RAID Utility uses three levels asHigh/Middle/Low for them.The setting value of LSI Software RAID Configuration Utility and the display level of UniversalRAID UtilityItem Setting value of LSI SoftwareRAID Configuration Utility Universal RAID Utility LevelRebuild PriorityRebuild Rate (LSI SoftwareRAID Configuration Utility)15 to 100 High8 to 14 Middle0 to 7 LowConsistency Check PriorityChk Const Rate (LSI SoftwareRAID Configuration Utility)15 to 100 High8 to 14 Middle0 to 7 Low