Upgrading Your Server 9-152.5-inch Hard Disk DriveThe 2.5-inch disk cage can contain up to eight hard disk drives.IMPORTANT: Use the hard disk drives authorized by NEC. Installing a third-partyhard disk drive may cause a failure of the server as well as the harddisk drive. Purchase hard disk drives of the following models:– N8150-300 (146.5GB, 10,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-301 (300GB, 10,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-322 (450GB, 10,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-304 (600GB, 10,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-302 (73.2GB, 15,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-303 (146.5GB, 15,000rpm, SAS)– N8150-276 (160GB, 7,200rpm, SATA2/300)– N8150-277 (500GB, 7,200rpm, SATA2/300)– N8150-702 (50GB, SSD) All the hard disk drives in the specific cage must be of the samespecification.Disk cagePORT7PORT6POR 5POR 4PORT3PORT0PORT1PORT2