Troubleshooting 8-61IMPORTANT: Do not change the boot device order in BOOT menu in BIOSSETUP. NEC EXPRESSBUILDER cannot be used if the DVDdrive is not the first device to launch the system. Connect the LAN cable to the connector on management LAN port.Or, connect the LAN cable to LAN connector 1 if Shared BMCLAN feature is used. Use the serial port B for direct connection. To use this feature, you need to create a configuration file (3.5-inchfloppy disk) that includes communication method between theserver and the management PC, and various setup parameters.Use NEC ESMPRO BMC Configuration or NEC ESMPRO AgentExtension or run "System Management" menu from NECEXPRESSBUILDER to create a configuration file.Save the configuration file into the root directory of the floppy diskas the following file name.– File name: CSL_LESS.cfg If you exit the BIOS SETUP by unusual way (e.g., forced power-offor reset), the redirection process may fail. In such a case, setupagain by using the configuration file. On Windows Server 2008, you need to open Device Manager,disable the COM port, and restart the system to use the directconnection through COM port.NOTE: The following items of BIOS setup information will be set asshown below. LAN Controller: [Enabled] Serial Port A: [Enabled]Base I/O Address: [3F8]Interrupt: [IRQ 4] Serial Port B: [Enabled]Base I/O Address: [2F8]Interrupt: [IRQ 3] BIOS Redirection Port: [Serial Port B] Baud Rate: [19.2K] Flow Control: [CTS/RTS] Console Type: [PC ANSI]