Troubleshooting 8-19Displayed Error Message Description Recommended ActionC111 BMC SDR Repositoryfailure.Failure of the SROM for storingsensor data record informationTurn off the power, andthen restart the server.If this does not resolvethe problem, contactyour servicerepresentative.C112 BMC SEL device failure. BMC device (chip) failureC113 BMC RAM test error. BMC RAM errorC114 BMC Fatal hardware error. BMC errorC115 Management controller notrespondingBMC error Upload the RMCfirmware. If this doesnot resolve theproblem, contact yourservice representative.C116 Private I2C bus notresponding.Private I2C bus not responding Turn off the power, andthen restart the server.If this does not resolvethe problem, contactyour servicerepresentative.C117 BMC internal exception BMC errorC118 BMC A/D timeout error. BMC errorC119 SDR repository corrupt. BMC error or SDR datacorruptionC11A SEL corrupt. BMC error or system event logdata corruptionC200 The error occurred duringmemory configurationcheck.The memory information couldnot be obtained.C201 Memory Configurationchange is detected.The memory configuration haschanged since the previousstartup.This message appearsif the configuration waschanged since theprevious startup. If thismessage appears evenno configurationchange has beenmade, contact yourservice representative.C202 The error occurredduring CPU configurationcheck.The CPU information could notbe obtained.Turn off the power, andthen restart the server.If this does not resolvethe problem, contactyour servicerepresentative.C203 CPU Configurationchange is detected.The CPU configuration haschanged since the previousstartup.This message appearsif the configuration waschanged since theprevious startup. If thismessage appears evenno configurationchange has beenmade, contact yourservice representative.