7-167 2. Absolute systemSupplement Setup (Initialization) of Absolute EncoderAbsolute multi-turn data will be maintained by the absolute encoder battery.When operating the machine for the first time after installing the battery to the absolute en-coder, clear the encoder data (multi-turn data) to 0 at the origin by following the proceduredescribed below.Clear the absolute encoder from the front panel (see P.2-79) or PANATERM. Turn off powerand then on again.7 2. Absolute systemSupplement Transferring absolute dataTransfer the absolute data (absolute data of external scale) from the servo driver to thehost controller: turn on power and wait until the servo ready output (S-RDY) is turned on,and then start transfer.Setup of serial communication interface on host controller• RS232Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bpsData 8 bitParity noneStart bit 1 bitStop bit 1 bitThe baud rate is set according to Pr5.29 Baud rate setup of RS232 communication.• RS485Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bpsData 8 bitParity noneStart bit 1 bitStop bit 1 bitThe baud rate is set according to Pr5.30 Baud rate setup of RS485 communication.Related page • P.3-30 “Inputs and outputs on connector X4” • P.4-49 “Details of parameter”