7-727 7. OptionsSupplement Noise FilterWhen you install one noise filter at the power supply for multi-axes application, contact toa manufacture of the noise filter. If noise margin is required, connect 2 filters in series toemphasize effectiveness.• OptionsOptionpart No.Voltagespecificationsfor driverManufacturer'spart No.Applicabledriver (frame) ManufacturerDV0P4170 Single phase100V, 200V SUP-EK5-ER-6 A and B-frame Okaya Electric Ind.Optionpart No.Voltagespecificationsfor driverManufacturer'spart No.Applicabledriver (frame) ManufacturerDV0PM200423-phase 200V3SUP-HU10-ER-6A and B-frameOkaya Electric Ind.Single phase100V, 200V3-phase 200VC-frameDV0P4220 Single/3-phase200V 3SUP-HU30-ER-6 D-frameDV0PM20043 3-phase 200V 3SUP-HU50-ER-6 E-frame[Unit: mm]LabelTerminal cover(transparent)2 – ø4.5R Cx CxCyL LCy2 – ø4.5 x 6.7553.1±1.0100.0 ± )6 – M421 34Circuit diagramIN OUTA B C D E F G H115DV0PM20042[DV0PM20042, DV0P4220] [DV0PM20043]105 95 70 43 10 52 5.5145DV0P4220 135 125 70 50 10 52 5.5165DV0PM20043 136 165 90 80 40 54 5.5LabelABC H10FEDGEarth terminalM4M4Screw for coverM3CoverBody451263Circuit diagramL1Cx1IN OUTR Cx1Cy1[Size] [Unit: mm]LabelACBHM5 EFDEarth terminalM4Screw for coverM3G CoverBodyRelated page • P.2-2 “Conformance to international standards”• P.2-6 “Driver and List of Applicable Peripheral Equipments”